Need Inspiration? Check Out These Writing Blogs

Marisa Mohi
5 min readMay 18, 2022

As a blogger, I appreciate a good blog. And as a writer, I really love all the amazing writing blogs out there. If you are also an internet creeper who would prefer to quietly find information with zero human interaction, this list of writing blogs is for you.

It seems like these days, all the information you’re looking for is in video form. And that’s fine for when you can watch a video, or have the energy to sit through all the little branded bits and pieces of a YouTube video or TikTok. It’s not that I hate content creators. I am one. I just think we’re targeting the same keywords, and at the end of the day, I just want the information quickly and easily, without having to sit through a whole video. I can read a thousand words faster than it takes to watch a ten-minute video.

So, when it comes to finding creative writing blog examples, there are a ton out there. I tend to gravitate more toward blogs about life as a writer, but I know that everyone needs something different. Regardless, the best writing blogs are the ones that keep it honest and give you the information you need, as well as links to other places to look.

Is this a comprehensive list of English writing blogs? Absolutely not.

Should you check these out and then see what other blogs these folks link to? Heck yes.



Marisa Mohi

novelist, blogger, and tarot reader | former tech writer, college instructor, and instructional designer | black coffee or GTFO |