One Year in a Sort of Bullet Journal

Marisa Mohi
10 min readJan 9, 2024

What’s a type-A planner girl to do when she needs to fix her brain so she can write again but can’t handle the rigid structure of an actual plan? Well, that’s when a type-A planner girl has to get creative. And that’s why I just spent one year in a sort of bullet journal.

For me, 2023 was a rebuilding year. I mentioned a lot of this in my thirty-eighth birthday blog post, but I hit burnout so hard at the end of 2022. In true Marisa form, I tried to strong-arm my way through it-like I could just overwork myself out of burnout.

That was a very stupid idea.

So at the end of 2022, I knew a more intuitive approach to planning was in order. Some years I need a structured planner that allows me to outline goals and time block. Some years, I need a space to write a to do list and get my jumbled thoughts on paper.

This past year was all about the latter.

I decided a bullet journal was the best option for me in 2023. But know that I didn’t do the standard bullet journal. Instead of following Ryder Carroll’s method or doing something that would look at home on Instagram, I just made a super messy notebook and didn’t look back.

What I Used for a Sort of Bullet Journal



Marisa Mohi

novelist, blogger, and tarot reader | former tech writer, college instructor, and instructional designer | black coffee or GTFO |